Hi all…Save the date for the SWV Season Debrief coming up!
What: SWV Season Debrief meeting
When: Saturday, October 26th. 10 am – 2 pm
Where: US Forest Service Office (SO) lower classroom in Sonora
19777 Greenley Road, Sonora CA
We will be welcoming several new members in addition to reviewing the work completed this season, what worked well and what improvements we can make for next year. We will have the USFS staff in attendance so as to provide an update on this past season as well as information regarding next season.
There will be snacks and lunch will be provided. Please RSVP to me so we have a good head count of attendees for planning the snacks and lunch. We will be in the lower classroom of the USFS offices. Many of you have been there before. For those who have not been there, reach out to me if you have questions or need directions.
The Board looks forward to seeing you there!
Jeff Hawley
President, Stanislaus Wilderness Volunteers
510 701-5212