Members of SWV have participated in getting certified as sawyers in chainsaw and or crosscut. The new program for chainsaw and crosscut, administered by the US Forest Service and presented and evaluated by Dave Moser for both certifications, was held over the past 4 weeks.
For Chainsaw, Craig Fish is certified as a "B Sawyer". Jeff Hawley is recertified as a B Sawyer for chainsaw.
For Crosscut Saw, the following are newly certified as "B Sawyers":
Craig Fish
Joe Canvaness
Dimiti Nechayev
Jeff Hawley is recertified as a B Sawyer for crosscut saw.
Many thanks to Dave Moser who orchestrated these classes, planned the material, presented the material in a clear and concise manner and conducted the field evaluations of the sawyers over a period of 6 different week sessions. His contributions to our group and to the Forest Service in general are invaluable.
Jeff Hawley
President, Stanislaus Wilderness Volunteers