To Members of SWV and Interested Parties The 2024 Season for SWV represented a significant contribution in creating access to popular trails in the Emigrant and Carson-Iceberg wilderness. SWV scheduled and executed eight projects, including 3 multi-day projects which resulted in significant benefit to the trails with significant trail clearing this year with logs removed totaling in the hundreds. One notable multi-day project included significant hazard tree removal and reestablishment of access to camping areas in the Highland Lakes area of the Carson-Iceberg wilderness. Photo: L. Hawley – Sword Lake (L to R) Devon Pennington, Jeff Hawley, Photo: C. Fish […]
Hi SWV Members and Interested PartiesSWV is hosting our annual End-of-Season Debrief this Saturday, Oct. 26 from 10am – 2pm. We will be providing beverages, snacks and lunch. The meeting will be held in the lower classroom of the US Forest Service Supervisors Office building, 19777 Greenley Rd., Sonora. If you have not already RSVP’d, please send an email to Jeff Hawley, President if you are planning on attending so we can appropriately plan logistics. We hope to see you there. Non-members are invited to attend. Thank you, Jeff Jeff Hawley President, Stanislaus Wilderness Volunteers 510 701-5212 (m) President
Hi all…Save the date for the SWV Season Debrief coming up! What: SWV Season Debrief meeting When: Saturday, October 26th. 10 am – 2 pm Where: US Forest Service Office (SO) lower classroom in Sonora 19777 Greenley Road, Sonora CA We will be welcoming several new members in addition to reviewing the work completed this season, what worked well and what improvements we can make for next year. We will have the USFS staff in attendance so as to provide an update on this past season as well as information regarding next season. There will be snacks and lunch will […]