Donate to SWV

Restoration Work

The Stanislaus Wilderness Volunteers were formed in 1991 by a group of citizens with a love of the wilderness in response to a crisis situation in the management of our region’s wilderness areas. In 2003 SWV established itself as a California non-profit 501(3)C corporation, registration #CT0171922.

The efforts of these volunteers have earned two national awards from the Chief of the U.S. Department of Forestry, who cited SWV “for devoting thousands of hours to the restoration and protection of Wilderness on the Stanislaus National Forest through education, example, maintenance and restoration.” The “Aldo Leopold Award for Overall Wilderness Stewardship Program”, the highest honor that can be received by a Forest Service volunteer organization, was awarded in 2011, and “The Chief’s Volunteer Program National Award” for wilderness education was awarded in 2004.

We continue to grow through recruiting new members. We also are expanding our scope and capability to carry out our mission. This requires manpower and funding. You can help. Your donation to the Stanislaus Wilderness Volunteers will help us:

  • Provide instructors to provide Leave No Trace training to our diverse forest users
  • Provide safety equipment to our Volunteers
  • Provide tools and gear to expand our monitoring program of campsites and trails to provide the Forest
    Service better data to manage these resources
  • Enable the Stanislaus Wilderness Volunteers to create better communication tools to educate the public on wilderness lands, uses, opportunities and ethics

You can become a lifetime sustaining member of SWV by making a cash or in-kind contribution of $250 or more. Lifetime sustaining members receive a plaque and beautiful wilderness photograph in recognition of their support.

You can donate with PayPal or a Credit/Debit Card by using the “Donate” button at the top of this page or use the form below if you prefer. You may also use the Zelle App and send money to

If you have a special project you would like considered, please let us know by entering an appropriate comment in the form below. Your donation is greatly appreciated.
Just press the “SEND” button when you’re through.