Hello!Stanislaus Wilderness Volunteers (SWV) has planned two events for Saturday, August 12th: 1. Project Work Day – Clearing trees on the Bell Meadows trail. This is all outside of wilderness so will be chain saw work. Need volunteers to assist with trail clearing and cleanup. Meet at 9 am Summit Ranger Station at 1 Pinecrest Rd, Pinecrest. Be prepared with water, lunch, long pants and shirt, gloves and sturdy boots. The level of bugs is unknown but be prepared with your choice of repellent as well as sunscreen. If we finish early, we may go up to Gianelli trail head […]
Visitors to the Stanislaus National Forest:The US Forest Service has issued a High Hazard Fire Restrictions order, effective Wednesday, July 27. Sonora, California (July 26, 2023) – With the release of Forest Service Order FS-16-2023-16, the Stanislaus National Forest will enter into high hazard fire restrictions effective, Wednesday, July 27, 2023. With the forest order, the following items are prohibited in the high hazard areas: 1. Discharging a firearm 2. Building, maintaining, attending or using a fire, campfire, or stove fire, except in the Developed Recreation Sites 3. Smoking, except within an enclosed vehicle or building, within an open within […]
Saturday, July 8th, the SWV Team cut 5 trees on the Arnot Creek trail. It appeared that someone else had gone in recently and cleared approximately 20-25 trees. We were unaware that they had been cut. The team then moved to the Clark Fork trail and removed 19 trees from the Trailhead to the wilderness boundary. There is now open access. Many thanks to Dick Chimenti, Ron Davenport and Dave Salzer for their efforts in clearing these trees. Jeff Hawley President, Stanislaus Wilderness Volunteers